Friday, March 19, 2010

First fall of Spring (for me anyways)

Yup I fell over today. The first fall on my bike. And it was a simple/stupid thing. I was in a narrow passage at the junction on my way up Diablo between another cyclist and a ranger truck. I had just clipped one shoe in and lost my balance as I tried to get around the cyclist, not even moving really (part of the problem). I simply lost my balance and fell over on top of my bike. Fun! The sprocket puncture wounds look worse than they are. I've got my calf all cleaned up now and wrapped up for about the next 24 hours. Everyone needs a little drama every now and then, right?
Besides that, today was an amazing day. The ride was pleasantly warm (77F) up to about 2000 ft (the junction). Then it cooled down a little bit, and was even cooler at the top (3940 ft). The views were spectacular from the summit today. But in all honesty, I've ridden up it so many times, I typically don't look around much any more.
All in all, today was a great training day.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Mid-March, so what does that mean?

Ok, here begins the journey of my blogging and journal of getting fit for the Death Ride in 2010. I am doing it again my friends. Thank you for my support in the past, I need it now more than ever.

Last weekend, we did a relatively easy ride starting from Orinda Bart, through Moraga, up big Pinehurst to Skyline,with a little out and back down some little street, then over to the Oakland zoo, back up and over to some lake I can't remember, then up Redwood and back up Pinehurst and back tracked thru Moraga and back. I had the pleasure of riding with Daniel most of the way. He's a great guy the runs a nice little Basque restaurant in SF. I'll need to find out more details.

Training is going well. For now the rain is holding, so I expect this to be a good training week...that is, if work doesn't creep in - which it definitely has the potential to do at this point.

Pedal on!